Welcome to Vocational Courses at Petroc

Vocational courses provide a blend of classroom tuition with practical, hands-on learning, work experience and employability skills.

They provide a well-rounded qualification that gives you both the knowledge and the employability skills needed to get you noticed after you leave college, whether you decide to move on to higher education, an apprenticeship or go straight into employment.

Watch the below Vocational Study Overviews to find out more about what a Vocational Study programme is and get an overview of our areas before diving into the area you are interested in

In this LIVE Q&A you can get an overview of the following subjects:

Business & Finance


Construction & Architecture

Electrical & Plumbing


Motor Vehicle

In this LIVE Q&A you can get an overview of the following subjects:

Animal Care

Art, Design & Media

Education & Childcare

Hair & Beauty

Health & Social Care

Hospitality & Catering

Music & Performing Arts

Public Services & Outdoor Adventure

Sport, Health & Fitness

Travel & Tourism

Are they right for me?

If you prefer the practical elements of learning, then vocational courses could be for you. You will join a course at the right level for you and progress as far as you want to go. You could start at Level 1 studying Functional Skills and progress onto university – and beyond!

What can I expect?

Not only will you learn in the classroom, you will also spend a lot of your time in the workshop, studio, salon or gym to experience the real-life working environment. You will also participate in work experience and trips to get a real understanding of your future career.

All vocational courses are graded Pass (P), Merit (M), Distinction (D) or Distinction-star (D*). A Distinction* is equivalent to 3 A-levels at A*.

Vocational Study Programmes at Petroc