Spend time with God

What is a devotion?

Time set aside to focus and connect with God through studying the Bible, meditating on the Word and Worship.

  • Why do a devotional? Wanting to connect with God and learn more about God and what He says about topics like friendships, dating, peer pressure, communication and love. Devotions give us the scriptures and information for us to learn and grow.

  • What will I get out of it? Wisdom, knowledge, understanding, connection and relationship with God. Just like we build relationship with our friends, by spending time with them and talking with them, to learn about them and have experiences together so to this is what we get from devotional time spent with God.

List of Devotions - apps and online

How to set up a devotional space

  • Environment – Clear distractions, set yourself up in comfortable space, outside under a favourite tree or spot in the garden, at your desk or another place in your house that is right and free from distractions. Turn your phone to airplane mode or turn off all notifications. Put your phone down unless using it to read your devotional app.

  • Intentional – Be prepared, start a specific devotional/plan series on your Bible app or check out some others. Ask your parents for books that they use as a devotionals. Know what you want to learn about and focus on that aspect of God.

  • Search - This is a great time to find the scriptures that relate to that topic, read them and meditate (think about) them.

  • Write it down – Having a book/journal or paper of some sort to be able to write what you learn, the scripture or the revelation that God gives to you, your thoughts and feelings on what you have read. If you are not a writer then keep a video or voice record you reading the scripture and talking about your thoughts.

  • Be free to share – This is your personal time with God and as such can stay that way. But if you want to share what you have learnt or the exciting things of God, then find the right people, your parents, your friends and listen to the Holy Spirit as He guides you to share with others.

How to set up a devotional journal/video/voice record

  • In your devotional journal or book or notes/word doc/pages set it up so that it is easy to follow.

o Put the Date on it

o Give it a Simple but descriptive title, i.e. Listening to God

o Write out the scripture you have for this – at least the reference i.e. Acts 2 v 10

o Write out the revelations that God is showing you

o Be free to write your thoughts and feelings

o Some people even like to write out the prayer they say when they end their time.

o You can even just write your journal as your prayer

  • If you are doing a voice record or video, title this once you are done and save it on another device or hard drive as well. It will general have a date stamp, but it is always good to begin with the date.

Book Recommendations

Podcast Recommendations