Class Placement

Class Placement Process: To help us maintain well-balanced classrooms and to provide students with the opportunity to mix with different peers, each year we adjust classroom composition. Subject teachers, the student support team, counsellors and school leadership weigh out many factors when considering the complex matrix of class composition. The factors considered when we determine classroom groupings include gender; language profile; nationality or cultural background; peer relationships; academic profile; support needs; social-emotional needs; and balancing the ratio of new students. 

All of our teachers are highly capable, skilled professionals, each with their unique strengths. We will also consider teacher personalities and styles when determining the best fit for a child. 

Classroom Placement Requests: Please trust that our educators know the children well, and will do their best to create the most well-balanced cohorts possible. We also know that learning how to navigate different challenges and social contexts is invaluable learning.

Changing a Classroom During the Academic Term: Great effort is placed in building a classroom community at the start of the year, and classroom bonding occurs over time. Teachers also put in a lot of effort to gather data about a child’s learning strengths and needs. Therefore, it is only in extreme situations that we would change a class grouping once the academic year has begun. If, for any reason, a class change is requested, the Secondary School Principal will make the determination if this is in the best interest of the child and class cohort.