Communication Guidelines

Communication at Panyaden: The goal at Panyaden International School is to maintain open, forthright and direct communication. 

If an issue cannot be resolved with the Principal, a letter may be submitted to the School Director.

In the interest of confidentiality, any concerns will not be shared with anyone else without your permission unless the information poses a threat to self or others.

Communication: Letters and announcements inform parents of events as well as new or updated policies. These will be in English (letters for school-wide events will be translated into Thai) and will be sent by email to reduce the use of paper. Please make sure you give the Secondary Office an updated email address or inform us if you are unable to receive emails for any reason. 

Panyaden Parents LINE Group: Parents will regularly be notified of important updates and news, special events, weekly menu, etc. Parents can also use Line to make an appointment, ask questions, or leave comments for the school. To join the Panyaden Parents LINE group, follow the instructions below:

i) By Line ID: @panyaden 

ii) By scanning the Line QR Code

Panyaden News - “PYD News": This weekly publication is shared with all families and students via email and the Panyaden Parents Line group at the end of the day on Friday and contains invitations to events and reminders and information on current activities. It is crucial that families read Panyaden News each Friday so as not to miss important information. 

Emails from Teachers: Teachers use their school email accounts to send information home to parents regularly. Email is the official means of communication. At the beginning of the school year, you will receive a welcome email from each of your child's teachers. This opens the communication between home and school. 

Google Classrooms: Every secondary school teacher runs a Google Classroom for their class. Please ask your child on a regular basis to see the learning materials and learning activities that are shared in Google Classroom. Each Friday afternoon, a summary email will automatically be sent from Google Classroom that provides you with a glimpse of your child's learning experience each week. Please use this together with your child to discuss your child's learning. This also includes “The Week Ahead” announcement, which provides an overview of the learning that will take place in the following week.

Report Cards: In Secondary School, students receive four sets of report cards: two progress reports and a report card at the end of the first and second term. 

Digital Growth Portfolio: Every student has a digital growth portfolio. On a regular basis, students add artefacts to show their learning throughout the term. These portfolios are usually shared during student-involved parent-teacher conferences. 

Student-Involved Parent-Teacher Conferences: Twice per school year, scheduled student-involved parent-teacher conferences take place. Parents book appointments with subject teachers through a booking system. Students are required to accompany their parents/guardians to these appointments.

Requesting an Appointment with a Teacher: You are welcome to schedule an appointment to see a specific teacher outside of parent-teacher conferences. In order to set up an appointment, please directly contact the teacher via email or contact the Secondary School Office.