Well-Being and Happiness

Well-being and Happiness: At Panyaden International School, we are committed to supporting well-being and happiness in all aspects of our students' lives, guided by Buddhist Principles and the UN Happiness Indicators expressed in the 9 Domains for Gross National Happiness (GNH).

We understand that the way we use time, both in academics and extracurricular activities, can significantly impact students' overall well-being. We prioritise relationship building, fostering strong connections between students, teachers, and staff, and creating a supportive and nurturing environment. Opportunities for service are integrated into our curriculum, allowing students to develop empathy, compassion, and a sense of social responsibility. 

We recognize the importance of health and nutrition in promoting well-being, providing nutritious meals and encouraging healthy habits. Connecting students with nature is another aspect we value, as it promotes relaxation, mindfulness, and environmental stewardship. 

We empower students by fostering their agency and involvement in decision-making processes, allowing them to take ownership of their learning and contribute to the school community. Cultural expression is celebrated and embraced, acknowledging the diversity of our student body and promoting inclusivity. 

Good governance ensures transparency, accountability, and fairness, creating an environment where all voices are heard and respected. Lastly, we prioritise creating a safe and secure campus, implementing policies and procedures that prioritise student safety and well-being. 

By considering these elements and integrating them into our school culture, we aim to create an environment that supports the well-being and happiness of all our staff and students, providing them with a strong foundation for personal growth and success. 

We include parents in this endeavour through our parent education series, sharing information and resources, and partnering closely with them in their child’s development. We know that happier parents will make happier children, so we are here to support parents to our fullest capacity.