Accident Insurance

The school provides accident insurance coverage for all students for incidents happening at school and on official school trips. Parents will be invited to collect the insurance card at the school office early in the new academic year. The list of hospitals where you can use the insurance card to pay for the medical fees for your child’s accident treatment in Chiang Mai is attached here. For non-listed hospitals, parents will be required to advance payment for any treatment received and afterwards submit the receipt together with a medical certificate from the doctor to the School Office. Compensation will take up to 30 days. The Student Group Accident insurance policy provides 10,000 Baht of accident coverage per student participating in school programmes. 

The student group accident insurance is not a health insurance policy and excludes accidents occurring from dangerous sports such as martial arts, water sports, motorsports and sports competitions. In the event that the school should organise a school programme which falls under the exclusions of the accident insurance, parents will be informed and will need to decide whether or not they would like their child to participate. 

Due to the limited coverage of the student group accident insurance, it is imperative that parents purchase additional health and accident insurance for their child or children in case of emergencies.