Enrolment and Withdrawal

Enrolment: When a student submits an application to Panyaden, the parent or guardian is required to study the school handbook and agree to and sign the school terms and conditions. This document is a legal agreement between the school and the parent or guardian, and it should be read carefully before signing. 

Placement: Placement of students is decided by the Secondary School Principal based on several factors. These factors include age, previous school records, pre-entrance assessment results and the student's abilities and needs, including English language proficiency. Special cases regarding placement will be discussed with parents and considered individually, but the final decision remains with the Secondary School Principal. Panyaden reserves the right to reassign a student at any time if it is felt that the initial placement was inappropriate. Parents will be informed, and their perspectives will be taken into consideration.

Re-Enrolment: To secure a student’s continued place at Panyaden for the following academic year, a re-enrolment form must be completed with a paid deposit of the school fees by the end of March each academic year. This deposit is non-refundable should a student not take up the confirmed place in August but is fully adjustable against the first term fees. If returning parents decline to pay this deposit and their child’s class reaches the maximum size, their place will be offered to the parents of a student on the waiting list. 

If you require any further details regarding re-enrolment or have questions regarding the process, please contact our admissions team. 

Temporary Withdrawal: Parents/guardians of students who wish to withdraw from Panyaden temporarily must submit the temporary withdrawal form available at the admissions office. Returning after more than one full academic year or two terms will be treated as a new application. The new fee structure will be applied with full initial fees: admission fee, application fee and refundable deposit. 

Withdrawal Policy: Parents/guardians of students leaving Panyaden International School must complete the withdrawal form. Completion of this form is an essential part of the process of withdrawing a student and refunding policy. To receive your deposit, the admissions department must be informed in writing at least 60 days before their last day of school. The form is available at the school admissions office. This gives time for students to return all school resources and for parents to clear any outstanding charges. Once the form is completed, the accounting department will refund the deposit by cheque within 15 working days.