Cytochrome P450 Structure Database (CYPSD)

Non-profit database for predicted structure of Cytochrome P450


Release note

2022/12/14 Clustaling of HMC sequence (in Heme-Histidine) was compleated.

2022/12/10 Clustaling of HGC sequence (in Heme-Histidine) was compleated.

2021/09/26 P450 Alignment Method was released.

2021/09/25 Bacterial P450 Structures (CYP101-CYP200) were released.

Verify the predicted level

・TM Score

・GDT-TS Score

・TM Align



    for Alphafold2

・Heme based alignment

    for Crystal Structure 


Japanese Contents




Dr. Hiroki Onoda

Cytochrome P450 Structure Database

8th-building of Engineering Department

South wing, Nagoya University,

 Furo-Cho, Chikusa-Ku 

Nagoya, 464-8603, JAPAN

h.onoda (あっと)