Volunteers / Supplemental Staff

  • Authorized By: District Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date: 8/17/2011 (LMS)
  • Replaces: Volunteer Policy, effective 11/17/2021 and dated 8/17/2021  
  • Reviewed: 
  • Revised: 12/17/2021 (KD), 11/17/2023 (KD), 7/3/2024 (JLM)
  • Contact: Head of Human Resources


Indirect Volunteers: volunteers who are assisting NKY Health through their affiliation with another agency/program (Example: MRC, NKCAC, PACE.)

Direct Volunteers: volunteers who are selected to assist NKY Health through an application and interview process not involving a third-party.

Supplemental Staff: supplemental staff are employees of another entity who are working alongside NKY Health staff. 

Volunteer / Supplemental Staff Policy

It is the policy of NKY Health to encourage and support equal opportunity for all volunteers and supplemental staff without regard to age (40 or over), HIV/AIDS status, race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy/childbirth related medical conditions, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, family status, smoker status, genetic information or any other legally protected status not mentioned here.  The availability of volunteer opportunities will be evaluated on the basis of an individual’s skills, knowledge, abilities, availability and other legitimate qualifications.

In keeping with our commitment to provide a safe workplace that is free from harassment and discrimination, to protect confidential information, and to ensure that the services we provide are offered equally to those eligible, all volunteers will be bound by the same policies and practices governing these issues as NKY Health employees.

Limitations to Volunteers / Supplemental Staff

An individual cannot be a volunteer / supplemental staff and either a current employee or a student receiving credit for coursework simultaneously.

Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age.

Procedure for Selecting a Direct Volunteer

Following is the procedure for selecting a direct volunteer:

This procedure may vary for selecting an indirect volunteer or supplemental staff  based on the requirements of / agreements with the agency / program involved.

Policy for Criminal Background Check

Prior to volunteering for NKY Health in any capacity the candidate must authorize and satisfactorily complete the same criminal background check that a new employee in the same capacity would be required to complete if any of the following are true:

The candidate’s supervisor must work with HR to ensure that the background check is completed according to current practices.

A candidate interested in becoming a direct volunteer must pay for actual background check expenses prior to volunteering. The candidate’s supervisor is responsible for obtaining a check or money order payable to NKY Health for $10 in order to check jurisdictions and determine the total cost of the background check and a second check or money order payable to NKY Health to cover the cost of the remainder of the full amount. The payment should be and forwarded to accounting and human resources notified prior to completion of the background check.  After a direct volunteer has worked 80 hours for NKY Health, their supervisor may request that these fees be returned to them using the normal Purchase Order process.

The background check for a candidate interested in becoming an indirect volunteer will be handled according to the terms of the agreement with their sponsoring agency/program.

Fees for background checks can vary based on the number and type of jurisdictions checked.

Procedure for Criminal Background Check

Follow these steps to complete a background check:

*Please log into AdobeSign to access the  form. You will need to click Start from Library > Workflow > Background Check Authorization and then follow the wizard.  Be sure to enter the correct email addresses.

**The cost varies based on the number of jurisdictions associated with the individual and reimbursable using the PO process according to policy.  The minimum cost is usually approximately $50

FCRA Summary of Rights

Please email this to the candidate and obtain agreement to pay for background check prior to sending her/him the authorization form.

HR FCRA Summary of Rights.pdf

Policy for Orientation

Prior to working at NKY Health in any capacity, the individual must complete an orientation similar to that a new employee in the same capacity would be required to complete if any of the following are true:


The individual must meet with the Employee Health Nurse and provide all of the following:

Supplemental Staff may or may not be paid for completing the orientation depending upon the agreement NKY Health has with their employer. The time spent completing the orientation does NOT count toward the volunteer's hours.

Procedure for Orientation

The individual goes to the Orientation Site, downloads the appropriate checklist and follows the instructions embedded in the checklist and on the pages of the site.  

Supervisors are responsible for guiding volunteers / supplemental staff through orientation and keeping records of the orientation. 

Anyone who has an NKY Health e-mail address in the format fname.lname@nkyhealth.org can access the site from the NKY Health email. However, due to Google limitations, the videos on the site  works best when logged in from the following: 

Orientation can be completed from any modern computer.

Required Forms from Orientation

All volunteers / supplemental staff must complete and submit the following forms: 

Their supervisor must retain these forms in their files.

Procedure for Annual Required Training

Because they do not have access to the same online system for completing the updates as NKY Health employees have, volunteers / supplemental staff will review the same modules they completed during orientation (available on the Orientation Site) and use a similar checklist to acknowledge review.

Supervisors are responsible for keeping the checklist as a record of completion as instructed at the top of the checklist.

Checklist for Annual Required Training

Annual Required Training Acknowledgement Checklist for Supplemental Staff + Volunteers, etc.pdf

Revision Log



