Computers / Email / Technology

  • Authorized By: George Moore, Co-Interim District Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date: 3/22/2019 (LMS)
  • Replaces: Computer Use Policy, dated 3/22/2019
  • Reviewed: 
  • Revised: 8/16/2021, Moved to Google Sites 8/12/2021, 10/1/2022 (GM+SD), 1/29/2024, 3/1/2024, 5/1/2024 (PJM)
  • Contact: Deputy Director of Health


To assure adherence to health department regulations regarding computer, internet and e-mail use and secure hardware and sensitive data, the following procedures are established.


This policy defines what staff can and cannot do with the information systems, including computers, internet and email.

All Staff Roles and Responsibilities for Security/Access/Daily Use

Refer to 6.14 of NKY Health's Guide to Personnel Policies.



The purpose is to minimize the risk of inappropriate access to or disclosure of NKY Health information. 

Password violations are the number one security problem on networks today.  This policy is designed to ensure that all Public Health and individual data stored on the network are protected through reasonable and appropriate use of password security.  This policy is part of compliance requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a federal statute intended to assure the privacy and confidentiality of patient identifiable information


The Department for Public Health (DPH) and all local health departments (LHDs) shall have a computer security program that includes the periodic changing of computer access passwords. 

Users who violate this policy will be held responsible for a breach of security, will be subject to disciplinary action, and will be accountable for any impact a violation may have on the integrity of data or performance of the network.  

Anyone using NKY Health's technology shall become familiar with and comply with the Commonwealth Office of Technology (COT) Enterprise Policies.

Initial Password Assignment

An initial password is chosen for the user at the time they receive their account.  For access, a user is expected to change the password during the first login.  This action provides secure access to the NKY Health Domain.

Selecting Passwords

Required considerations when selecting a password - reference CIO-072 with the Commonwealth Office of Technology (COT) Enterprise Policies.

Passwords should not contain:

Passwords must: 

Tips for Good and Bad Passwords

Below are recommendations to follow when selecting passwords.

Non-obvious passwords are more assured if they:

Suggestions for selecting GOOD passwords:

Put together an acronym.

Examples of BAD Passwords:

Keeping Passwords Secure

Passwords must be:

Passwords must not be:

Examples of activities, which will jeopardize a user’s privilege to access the computer resources, include:

Although discouraged, if the user writes down their password, follow these precautions:

Changing Passwords

Self-initiated change of password:

To respond to an automated prompt for change of password:

Passwords are required to be changed every 90 days as a routine practice.  The computer system will alert you prior to expiration.

Compromised Password Procedure

Should a password be compromised, the owner should change his/her password immediately to avoid future unauthorized access.  

Immediately after making such a change, the individual must contact the head of Information Systems to report the suspected compromise. 

Electronic Records Retention

The following guidelines apply to email retention:

The following are retention requirements:


Additional Procedures for Staff with VPN Access

VPN, which stands for Virtual Private Network, technology allows authorized computer users to work from remote sites with access to the same computer and network resources they would have if they were at their workstation in the office.

Once the VPN “tunnel” has been established, all network traffic into and out of the PC is encrypted, and directed via the Internet into our internal network.  For security reasons, it is recommended that, whenever possible, you use either a wired Internet connection or a secured wireless connection.  This adds a second layer of encryption that would have to be cracked in the event that an unscrupulous person were able to intercept your transmission, an event that happens all too often at public Internet hotspots.  An additional layer of security is also added with two factor authentication where employees use a hard token for their second form of authentication.

The following guidelines apply:

Google Drive/Sites


To encourage the use and advantages afforded by access to Google DriveDocs and Google Sites and to assure efficient use of NKY Health server space and improve performance/use.


Google DriveDocs, and Google Sites and the shareall server folder are for official NKY Health business only.

This policy outlines when staff should/could use the Google DriveDocs, and Google Sites and shareall features.  

Help with Google workspaces.

Guidelines for Using Google DriveDocs

Guidelines for Using Google Sites

Shareall and S Drive


To provide guidelines on the use and maintenance of the Shareall and S-Drives, so that collaborating on files and storage of commonly used files is as effective and efficient as possible.


These guidelines are to be followed so that the Shareall and S-Drive do not become cluttered or too cumbersome to find files.

S-Drive Guidelines for Use and Maintenance

Shareall Folder Guidelines for Use and Maintenance

How to Send an Encrypted Email

Steps how to send an encrypted email message.docx

Revision Log




