
  • Authorized By:  District Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date: 7/1/2012 (LMS)
  • Replaces: Mainenance Request Policy 7/1/2012
  • Reviewed:
  • Revised: Moved to Google Sites 8/13/2021, Revised 10/1/2022 (GM+SD)
  • Contact: Buildings and Accounting Administrator

Maintenance Vendor Information

Neyer Management is NKY Health's maintenance vendor.  Site coordinators (listed below) are utilizing an online submission site to address non-emergency maintenance issues. 

Priority of Maintenance Requests

Emergency maintenance requests will be addressed first.  

Routine maintenance requests will be prioritized as follows:

Emergency Maintenance Requests

Emergency maintenance requests are issues that, left unaddressed, pose safety hazards to individuals or destruction of property. 

Please contact Accounting Manager, Scott Baxley, at 859-816-9503 for emergency maintenance requests.  If Accounting Manager is unavailable, contact George Moore at 859-240-1121.

Non-Emergency Maintenance Requests

Non-emergency maintenance requests are to be made to your Site Coordinator or their backup (listed below). 

Site Coordinators are responsible for entering the request into the Neyer Management Maintenance Portal. 

Maintenance Site Coordinators

District Office

Boone County Health Center (BCHC)

Campbell County Health Center (CCHC)

Grant County Health Center (GCHC)

Kenton County Health Center (KCHC)

Revision Log

