Web (and Google) Sites

  • Authorized By:  District Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date:  9/12/2008 (LMS)
  • Replaces: New Policy
  • Reviewed: 
  • Revised: Moved to Google Sites 8/12/2021
  • Contact: Public Information Staff

Sites (websites, Google sites, etc.) administered by NKY Health staff reflect the agency, and therefore must be created and maintained to meet professional site standards. 

All materials on sites must be easily identifiable, professional and fully functional. 

NKY Health standards must be followed anytime staff time and/or funds are used to create or maintain a site—even on behalf of a coalition.

Creating a Site

NKY Health staff who want  to create a new site, either for a program or a coalition, must contact the Public Information Team. 

PI will work with staff on issues such as:

PI will work with Administration and Accounting staff to contract for any web site technical support/design services.

Linking to Other Sites

A link from NKY Health's  site to another organization’s site implies an endorsement of the linked site. Therefore, care must be taken to link to sites that are appropriate to support the materials on the NKY Health's site. 

The following guidelines govern site linking:

Maintaining a Site

Once the initial site has been created and approved by the Public Information staff, the NKY Health staff responsible for the site will be charged with the day-to-day updating of pages on the site.

Care must be taken to ensure that the material posted on the site has been reviewed for spelling/grammar, typographical errors and to ensure that the content appropriately represents NKY Health's mission, goals and programming. 

NKY Health staff responsible for maintaining a site must outline a procedure to ensure these standards are met, and the procedure must be approved by the staff person’s supervisor, division director and PHI.

NKY Health staff maintaining a site must also make sure that material posted on the site is current—particularly information about classes and events. It is recommended that time-sensitive materials be placed on a “Current Programs” type page, to minimize the number of pages that need to be checked for updates.

All pages of the site will be reviewed quarterly to check for spelling/grammar and broken links. NKY Health staff maintaining the site will be responsible for reporting completion of the quarterly review to Public Information Team.

Style Guide for Sites

Most spelling, grammar and style rules for the NKY Health sites will follow NKY Health's branding, with additional guidelines noted as follows:

Prohibited on Sites

Without express written permission from the District Director of Health or her/his designee, sites maintained by NKY Health staff must be free from all of the following:

Revision Log
