Tobacco-Free/Vape-Free Grounds

  • Authorized By: District Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date: 10/21/2015 (LMS)
  • Replaces: New Policy
  • Reviewed: 10/1/2022 (GM+SD)
  • Revised: 3/21/2019; Moved to Google Sites 8/12/2021, 11/16/2023(MB)
  • Contact: Director of Population Health

Due to the acknowledged health hazards arising from exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS), it is the policy of the NKY Health to provide a tobacco-free and vape-free environment for staff, clients, visitors and vendors.   

Tobacco-Free / Vape-Free Grounds Policy

The use of any  tobacco and vaping product is prohibited by staff, clients, visitors and vendors on property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled by NKY Health, including personal and company vehicles in these areas.  

Exceptions to Tobacco-Free / Vape-Free Grounds Policy

Because the Campbell County Health Center (CCHC) is located in the Campbell County Fiscal Court Building, the fiscal court's policies will apply to the site.  

When they are more restrictive than NKY Health's policies, the fiscal court's policies will also apply to NKY Health staff at CCHC. Otherwise,  NKY Health's policies will apply to staff.

Procedures for Enforcing Tobacco-Free / Vape-Free Grounds Policy

Definitions Pertaining to Tobacco-Free / Vape-Free Grounds Policy

Revision Log

