Fixed Asset - Inventory

  • Authorized By: Deputy Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date: 10/1/2015
  • Replaces: Fixed Asset - Inventory Policy dated 10/1/2015
  • Reviewed: 10/1/2022
  • Revised:  Added to Google Site 10/3/2022
  • Contact: Deputy Director of Health or Buildings and Accounting Administrator


To assure adherence to health department regulations and adequate internal control, this policy instructs staff on how to track, inventory, and dispose of tangible fixed asset items, furniture, consumable medical goods, and other consumable goods. 


The Health Department will tag, track and maintain inventory on all tangible fixed assets having a life of over two years and costing more than $10,000 and/or would have a ready street market value (i.e. IT equipment: computers, laptops, tablets, printers and copiers). 

Consumable inventories will be kept at levels to assure staff do not run out of goods but also do not create storage issues. 

Health Department employees are responsible for protecting and properly using all fixed assets and shall notify the Director of Administration and Accounting in case of loss, misuse or theft. A physical inventory shall be conducted annually prior to the fiscal year closing deadline. Assets determined to no longer be needed and/or have no value shall be declared as surplus and disposed of per applicable regulations/statutes. 



Employees shall notify Purchasing when an asset is being moved from one location to another prior to the transfer. Purchasing shall update the database accordingly. 

Director of Administration and Accounting will inventory fixed assets and furniture at least annually, by tracking against established inventory database. Inventory database will be updated as necessary. 


When an asset is no longer needed/has no value, the Building Coordinator shall notify the Buildings and Accounting Administrator BEFORE it is removed from the site. Methods of disposition will follow requirements outlined in 902 KAR 8:170. The inventory database will be updated with the date of disposal, agency transferred/sold/returned to (if applicable), and compensation received (if any). 


The employee shall follow the following steps when a loss or theft occurs: