
  • Authorized By: District Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date: 6/21/2006 (LMS)
  • Replaces: New Policy
  • Reviewed: 10/1/2022 (GM+SD)
  • Revised: Updated by NKIDBOH By-Laws 1/1/2012; Moved to Google Sites 8/12/2021
  • Contact: Director of Administration and Accounting


To assure adherence to health department regulations and District Board by-laws/directives regarding investments, this policy is applicable to all investments.  

Investment guidelines are outlined in 902 KAR 8:170 Section 10: Bank Accounts and Investments and are governed by NKIDBOH By-Laws.

Officer(s) Designated to Invest and Oversee the Investment of Funds 

Officers designated to implement the investment of funds approved by the Northern Kentucky Independent District Board of Health (NKIDBOH) are:

At least two signatures are required on investment documents.

The Buildings and Accounting Administrator is responsible for oversight of investment activities on a day-to-day basis.  Board members may inquire about investments at any time.

Permitted Types of Investments

Permitted types of investments include Investments as described in 902 KAR 8:170 Section 10.

Procedures for Securing NKY Health's Financial Interest in Investments

The following procedures are designed to secure the agency’s financial interest in investments:

Procedures for Monitoring, Control, Deposit, Retention and Reporting of Investments

Procedures for monitoring, control, deposit, retention and reporting of investments include:

Standards for Written Agreements, Diversification and Qualified Investment Agents

Standards for written agreements, diversification and qualified investment agents include:

Revision Log
