Managing Guardians
You can use Classroom Manager to track and manage Guardian invitations. You can create new Guardian invitations and remove guardians.
To manage guardian:
Select Classroom Manager>Admin Menu from the add-ons menu. That will open the sidebar
Select Domain Admin
Click on List Guardians - that will create a new sheet called Guardians - Layout shown below
All students will be listed together with any existing Guardian links
If a student has more than one guardian linked there will be one row for each Guardian/Student relationship
If a student has no Guardians linked they will appear only once.
Any outstanding invites will be shown as Pending
Inviting new guardians
To add a new guardian enter the email address in Column K for the appropriate student and put a Y in column P
f you want to invite more than one guardian for a student just insert a new row, copy the student details down and put a Y in Column P
Once you have added all the records click on Invite Guardians in the sidebar menu
Removing guardians
To remove a guardian or an outstanding invitation enter a Y ion column Q against the relevant record(s)
Then click on the remove guardians button in the sidebar