Accounts Manager
Accounts Manager enables you to manage the accounts of users in your domain and to manage the user groups in your domain
Managing User Accounts
Accounts Manager will allow you to use a Google Sheet to see key information about your users and to manage users in bulk. From creation of the accounts, to maintaining information about them and finally deleting their accounts.
With the add-on users with the appropriate admin rights will be able to do the following:
Create new users in bulk (and, at the same time, place them in the correct Org Unit and add information about them);
Suspend (and re-activate users);
Move cohorts of users into new Org Units;
Delete users;
Identify when users last logged in (or if they have never logged in)
Change user passwords in bulk and enforce password change
Schedule the creation of new accounts to be created on a date you specify
Automate the creation of new accounts by adding data from external sources (Click here for details)
Managing User Groups
Accounts Manager will allow you to manage the user groups in your domain
With the add-on users with the appropriate admin rights will be able to do the following:
Get a list of all the groups in the domain
Update the names and descriptions of groups
Get a listing of the settings of those groups
Change the settings of groups
Add and remove members from groups in bulk
Change the status of members of groups (Member, Manager or Owner)
You will be able to update the following fields of information about each user:
First name,
Email address,
Work Phone,
Home Phone,
Mobile phone,
Work Address,
Home Address,
User Id,
User Title,
Cost Centre,
Org Unit,
Inclusion in the Global Contact Directory,
Suspended Status,
You can also see in the sheet- but not change - the following:
Whether they are Administrators,
Date the account was created,
Date the user last logged in,
their Google User Id,
whether they have enrolled in two step verification.
So that you can see for yourself how valuable and useful these features will be I am going to let you use them free of charge for 14 days. (Measured from your date of first use). You are not committing to anything by trying the features. You will only be charged if and when you decide to place a firm order.
After the 14 day trial period, if you want to continue to use it, the charge will be $99 per year.
(The cost is per organisation not per admin user)
If you click on the help link below you will find more guidance on using the new features including some how-to videos.
Please try out the new features, use the contact form on the website to let me know if there are any problems or if there are any features you think I should add.
How-To Videos
List all accounts
Create, Update, Delete Accounts