Individual user
On the User Classes page you can get a list of classes for any user, student or teacher. Once you have populated that sheet you can get information about teachers and students in those classes and details of all assignments and announcements for those classes.
If on the user classes page you chose to get a list of classes for a student when you get the assignments lists for those classes it will also give you the grades for those assignments for that student.
Getting Started
Open the user Classes page.
In cell B1 select whether you want information about a student or a teacher
In cell D1 enter the user's email address
open add ons >> Classroom Manager >> Admin Menu
Choose User Data
First choose "List user's classes" to get a list of the selected users classes
List students - will get a list of students for all the classes listed in the User Classes page and paste that information into a new sheet - user classes students
List teachers - will get a list of teachers for all the classes listed in the User Classes page and paste that information into a new sheet - user classes teachers
List classes - will get a list of all tasks for all the classes listed on the User classes page. if the user is a student it will list the grade they were awarded for each assignment also.