Belligerent Blue Jay

Tradition: Border

Author: Bassett Street Hounds

Set: 4 dancers (facing across)

Props: Sticks

Stepping: Single


(See below for explanation of figures.)


The chorus consists of one eight-beat-long sticking pattern which repeats four times. While sticking, two dancers pass through by right shoulders to invert the set, first across, up/down, across, and finally up/down. Dancer 1 is always moving and dancer 4 always stays in place, anchoring the set to prevent it from drifting. Dancer 2 will stay-move-stay-move, and dancer 3 will move-stay move-stay. The dancers who are moving single-step, the others do not. 

Each cycle of the sticking has a lyric that goes along with it:



(Linear) Bombastard: Originally a true linear bombast, we found it was too fast to do the full round-360 motion, so we bastardized it. This figure looks best if most of the motion is on the odd beats, and the dancers stay in place (as much as is possible) on the even beats.

        2   4                

Music               ->      2 1 4 3           

        1   3                              

Music      2 1 4 3    ->       1 3 2 4            

Music      1 3 2 4    ->       1 2 3 4          

Zigzag Hey: 

This figure is not in the Hounds’ original version of the dance. The path for this figure is a linear hey, but with clearly defined separation along two vertical lines.

                         -  - 2 -  1 -   -    

Music   2 4 1 3     ->              

                         -  - 4 -  3 -   - 

           -  - 2 -  1 -         - 4 - 3 -   -

Music                      ->         

           -  - 4 -  3 -         -  -  2 - 1 -

         - 4 - 3 -   -           -  - 4 -  2 -

Music                     ->         

         -  -  2 - 1 -           -  - 3 -  1 -

Grand Right & Left: Clash forehand to pass right with your neighbor on beat 1, continue smoothly dancing in a circular motion, clashing while passing left shoulder with your partner on beat 3. Continue alternating right & left shoulders/clashes, until you have gone around the set twice. This is similar to a square hey, but with no hard turns. 

Solar System: First corners (1 & 4) grab left hands and begin a fast counterclockwise swing. Second corners continue dancing clockwise around the outside of the set. On beat 1, the first corners clash with their neighbor. The outside dancers dance roughly ¼ around the set, while the inside dancers swing roughly ¾ around, to clash with their neighbor on beat 3, and again on beat 5. On beat 7, the first corners clash forehand as they spin back to their home spots.

Then, the second corners grab left hands and begin a fast counterclockwise swing, while the first corners begin dancing clockwise around the outside of the set. Repeat for the second half, but note that you will clash with your partner rather than your neighbor.