

  • English Country Gardens

  • The Fiddler’s Jig

  • Highland Mary

  • Highland Three

  • Lumps of Plum Pudding

  • The Nutting Girl

  • Simon’s Fancy

  • Speed The Plough

  • Step and Fetch Her


  • Stepping is usually single steps, starting on the left foot the way we dance it at MBFM.

  • In some parts of the choruses, however, other footwork is used.

  • Once to Yourself is a Bampton Half Caper (Left-Right-Hop)


  • Notes to come.

Standard Figures:

These figures are used in standard, 6-dancer sets unless otherwise indicated.

Foot Up & Down:

  • Two single steps forward.

  • Two single steps in place

  • Two single steps retreating.

  • Turn down set with a Half Caper. All turn Out of Set to face down, which will be more difficult for those on the right side since they are beginning the turn with their left geet.

  • REPEAT down set, returning to place.

Tack Over:

  • Two single steps forward, passing right shoulders.

  • Two single steps in place

  • Two single steps retreating

  • Half Caper

  • REPEAT passing left shoulders

Tack Around:

  • Maintaining eye contact the whole time, two single steps forward, passing right shoulders.

  • Two single steps around each other in center

  • Quick flip and two single steps retreating

  • Half Caper

  • REPEAT passing left shoulders


  • In a clockwise circle, four single steps forward

  • Two more single steps forward, doing the same type of hankie work as normal on a Bampton retreat (only going forwards)

  • Turn to reverse direction with a Half Caper

  • REPEAT to go home