Lads A'Bunchum

Also jokingly known as “Bags of Luncheon.”

Tradition: Adderbury

Set: Six dancers

Props: Sticks

Stepping: Double

Sing Around:

This dance begins with a sing around in which the dancers plod in a tight, clockwise circle, holding their sticks in their right hands. As they do so, they sing:

Oh, dear mother, what I fool I’ve been!

Six young lads came a-courtin’ me.

Five was blind and the other couldn’t see.

Oh, dear mother, what I fool I’ve been!

Figures: Standard Adderbury, each followed by a chorus

  • Foot Up & Up

  • Tack Over

  • Process Down

  • Process Up

  • Hands Round

  • Adderbury Hey


  • Pattern: XXX (XXX) / X (X) X (X) X (X) / pause X


Clashes are done by the Odd Side (Dancers 1, 3, and 5) first–XXX, followed by the Even Side (Dancers 2, 4, and 6) second–(XXX).

All clashes are Forehand, with one dancer striking the motionless stick of another dancer.

This pattern involves a series of triple clashes, alternating between dancers–XXX vs. (XXX).

It then proceeds to single clashes, again alternating between dancers–X vs. (X).

There is also a pause, followed by a final clash–X.

There are four variations:

  1. Normal: Done with both dancers holding the sticks with the left hand at the bottom of the stick and the right hand in the middle.

  2. One-Hand: Done with both dancers holding the sticks in the middle with the right hand only.

  3. Over the Head: The initial triple clashes–XXX and (XXX)–are done facing out, with the receiving side holding the sticks above and behind their heads, followed by facing in with the single clashes as in Normal.

  4. Double Time: As Normal, but done especially quickly (called “Double Time,” but not actually twice as fast). This is done at the end of the dance.

Chorus Sequence:

There is a sequence to the choruses, with the dancers facing in different directions after each figure.

Here is how the sequence works:

  • Normal

  • One-Hand

  • Over the Head

  • Normal

  • One-Hand

  • Over the Head


  • FINISH: At the end of the dance, there is an EXTRA chorus, which is done facing Across and extra fast. (It is called as “Double Time,” but it isn’t really twice as fast, just faster than the others).