Personal Retreat Guidelines


Release all burdens and responsibilities. Write down all your pressing tasks and responsibilities into a Dump Sheet.

  • Lift the entire list to the Lord in prayer.

  • Put the list away, out of sight & mind for the remainder of the retreat.

  • Enjoy some recreation, fellowship, sleep, relaxation, surf and sunshine.


Think over the last few months and reflect on the different areas of your life asking God to give you insight.

  • How have I been doing in my relationship with God? (obedience, priority, passion, etc.) What have I been learning about God?

  • How have I been doing in my personal life? (spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally) What have I been learning about myself?

  • How have I been doing in my relationships with others? (immediate family, church family, friends, associates, & the lost) What am I learning about relationships?

  • How have I been doing in my service for God? (motives, faithfulness, rightness of ministry) What have I been learning about ministry?


Take time to feed your mind, heart and spirit and respond to God as appropriate.

  • Read or listen to chunks of the Word of God.

  • Spend time listening to worship music.

  • Read or listen to testimonial books or podcasts.

  • Sit or walk and soak in Creation. Look at the stars and ponder God.

  • Meditate on key promises of God.


  • Spend time praying over the different areas of your life, asking God to show you the way forward.

  • Use some of the ten questions on the following page to help you prayerfully sort through priorities and issues in your life.

  • Write out new/modified goals and priorities for your life, based on the Flywheel.

10 Questions to help focus your time for the rest of your life!

1. What is my single greatest strength and how do I maximize that?

2. What are the 3 things I can’t decide on, or that are overwhelming me at the moment?

3. What is the single problem that, if I could, all else would flow?

4. What are the 3 goals/problems I would like to achieve/solve before I die?

5. What should I resign from or drop out of? (Efficiency is not doing things right but doing the right things)

6. What can I postpone?

7. What things on my “to do” list can someone else do 80% as well as me?

8. What is the Elephant in my schedule? (If you are Noah and the Ark is about to sink, don’t look for a few mice or dogs to throw over board, look for the elephants)

9. What are the 3 things that I could do in the next 90 days that would make a decent amout of difference?

10. Who should I be investing my life into? (A life that is not multiplied remains a single seed – invest in people that are faithful, available and teachable)