Aware for God's Glory

“Self-awareness” is a popular idea in western culture. As followers of Jesus, we recognize that this is reflective of the prayer of Psalm 139:23-34 “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” As believers, we use self-awareness to help us “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” so we can “run with endurance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1-2) We cannot throw off what we do not know is there. We become aware SO THAT we can bring everything to Jesus, every thought captive and obedient, and walk in freedom.

We can go through an entire day on auto-pilot. These are two tools you can use throughout the day to help you be still, check in with, and abide in the Lord.



How do we do this? In the beginning, it may mean setting reminders on our phones or smart watches 3-4 times per day. When the reminder sounds, we take a few minutes to close our eyes, take 5-8 slow, deep prayerful breaths. We ground ourselves physically by feeling the weight of our feet on the floor or our bodies in our chairs. One thing you can try is: breathe in “be still”, and out, “& know I am God”, breathe in, “I will be exalted among the nations”, and out, “I will be exalted in the earth!”

(BE STILL & know HE is God…Ps. 46:10)


Now that we’ve paused long enough to breathe, we can begin to notice what is happening within and around us. We scan our bodies for tension, initially just becoming aware of what is there. We begin to feel the frustration, sadness or other emotions that may have earlier been hiding under the surface. We consider our mood, our environment, and our interactions with others. What is actually happening? We do not judge, criticize or condemn whatever thoughts or feelings surface. We are simply learning to be aware. This may be an area of growth necessary for some personalities more than others. Awareness allows us to see what is really going on and bring it honestly to the Lord. We cannot surrender what we don’t know is present.

(Search me, O God… Psalm 139:23-24)


Once we become aware and present to what is happening, we can begin to ask deeper questions. These questions will allow us the opportunity to change our state and challenge those negative beliefs:

What am I believing right now?

How does it make me feel?

Is it true? Really true? What does God say?

What would change if I chose to believe God?

*If you have extra time and space available, journal the answers when you finish SNAPping.


Now that we’ve practiced a bit of self-observation and understanding of what beliefs underlie our reactions, we have a choice. Instead of allowing ourselves to play out the same negative, untrue scripts in our lives, or even simply living on auto-pilot, we can choose a different path. We can choose a different belief, a different story-ending if you will.

(Now choose life… Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

(Adapted from Ian Cron’s SNAP)


Awaken- Notice circumstances that trigger how I behave, react, think, feel( body sensations)

Welcome- Instead of ignoring or condemning, observe without judgment

Fully see, as is

Ask- Holy Spirit for clarity about inner world

Those we trust for clear & specific feedback

For forgiveness, if needed

Receive- True identity as God’s beloved child

Blessings we have in Christ so we can live transformed

Enjoy- Walking in new freedom from old self-defeating patterns

Living transformed

Using SNAP or AWARE one time will not change your life. It is a practice, just like many other things in life. These are tools to grow in awareness- to allow God to search your heart (Psalm 139)

Practice SNAP/AWARE. Set a timer in the morning & in the evening (bonus: 2+ times during the day).