CMM Headquarters Coronavirus Response

Last updated May 4, 2020.

The CMM Headquarters in Fayetteville, Arkansas is taking the following measures to decrease community spread of the Coronovirus (COVID-19). We are taking the risk of COVID-19 seriously, and following recommendations from the CDC and community leaders. We believe all essential CMM operational functions will continue, uninterrupted. All staff are able to work from home, teleconference for meetings using Zoom, access documents from the Cloud, and will be expected to work during any staff quarantines.

Beginning May 5, we are shifting our recommendation from suggesting staff work from home, to suggesting staff return to work in the office. We anticipate many moving back into the office setting over the course of the week. Those who are high risk, are in close contact with high risk individuals, or those who have personal concerns will continue to be allowed to work remotely for the time being.

CMM Office and Staff

Social Distancing Measures

  • The dining table outside of the kitchen will be closed to groups - only one person may eat there at a time. Staff may choose to eat in their office or outside at the picnic tables.

  • No more than 3 people may congregate in the kitchen at a time.

  • Group meetings will be kept to a minimum, and will not be required of anyone. Those who wish to Zoom into a group meeting are welcome to do so.

Self-Quarantine Protocols

These protocols will be in effect on a week-by-week basis, and may change anytime.

  • If staff have been traveling in high-risk areas, through domestic airports, or out of the country, they will be asked to self-quarantine and work from home for 7 days to self-monitor symptoms (fever, dry cough).

    • Updated March 16 - We altered the policy from "out of state" travel to placing self-quarantine restrictions on those who travel by air. The reason is that private transportation to another city and going to Walmart of visit friends or family is no different than what people are doing who are staying in Fayetteville. Traveling through airports right now, domestically or internationally, create more risk and exposure.

  • If any staff or families members of staff become symptomatic or learn they have been in personal contact with someone diagnosed with the virus, they must notify their team leader and John Patton immediately. In John's absence, they should contact Kelton Hays. Affected staff should self-quarantine and work remotely from home.

  • Staff living with high-risk individuals may choose to work remotely.

  • Staff will be allowed to work remotely at home during this time if is necessary within their family or if they decide for personal reasons.

  • Staff working from home may take work computers and monitors home to establish a personal work space in their home.

General Cleanliness Measures

  • Staff are expected to maintain recommended personal hygiene, minimize contamination in public areas, and not touch co-workers.

  • We have professional office cleaning taking place Tuesday and Friday evenings.

  • We are also requiring the first person in each morning to disinfect all doorknobs, entry doors, and light switches.

  • Group meetings will be minimized, and will be seated more than 6 feet apart whenever possible.

  • Cleaning supplies and hand cleaners will be readily available throughout the office.

  • Doors will be kept propped open during the day to reduce "touching" of door handles.

Tenants using CMM Training Center

These decisions may change in the future, but they currently are:

  • Living Hope Church will be allowed to utilize the space when they choose to do so, following the governor's recommendations. We are asking them to disinfect all hard surfaces and doors after they finish Sunday morning.

Advisement on Personal and Community Hygiene

Based on information from the CDC:

    • Staff and guests should prescreen themselves prior to coming to the office according guidelines listed above.

    • Staff and guests should wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, with 60% alcohol.

    • Staff and guests should avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands and cough into a tissue or elbow.

We recognize that CMM staff have a role in providing a safe and comfortable place for ministry to happen. We are taking necessary precautions to help minimize the spread of any virus.