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H.R 6987

U.S. Representative Rick Larsen's Protecting our Marine Mammals Act (H.R. 6987):


117th Congress (2021-2022): To establish programs to reduce the impacts of vessel traffic and underwater noise on marine mammals, and for other purposes.

Understanding H.R. 6987

with Nora Nickum: Ocean Policy and Advocacy Expert

Who is Nora Nickum?

  • Nora Nickum is a Ocean Policy Manager at the Seattle Aquarium. She is an advocate for climate action, climate justice, zero waste, orca & salmon recovery.

Why is this bill important and how does it incorporate data from acoustic research?

  • This bill will help position the U.S. as a leader in producing and adopting technologies that can quiet vessels, including taking advantage of years of Naval research on quiet ship technologies.

  • It supports ports who are leading the world in the adoption of innovative programs to address the impacts of ship traffic on marine mammals—like the Port of Seattle and the Port of Tacoma, both directly involved in Washington’s new Quiet Sound program.

What are the next steps and how can the public help advance this bill?

  • Many Washington state representatives are already in support, so the best person to contact is Senator Cantwell by email. Inquiry form to Senator Cantwell can be found here.

Sample Letter to State Senator

Sample Email to Senator


Thanks to Nora Nickum on her guidance in creating the sample letter.