Getting Started


Camera systems are available for a wide range of budgets. Once you know the price point you are looking for, the next thing to think about is where you want to place your cameras and what kind of considerations you will need to make. Here are some things you will want to think about:

  • Where will you need to set the camera up to capture the footage you want?

  • Will you want to be able to change the location of your camera setup, or will it be more permanent?

  • Will the camera be outdoors and exposed to different weather? (Snow, rain, wind, excessive sun)

  • Where will the camera need to be installed to keep it from disturbing the subjects?

  • Will you need to regularly clean the camera lens or perform maintenance?

Network & Streaming

To have your camera feed stream live, you will need to connect it to a network in some way. This may require some complicated wiring, and working with an IT expert is recommended.

Make sure that you have the network speed necessary to stream your video feed live on the web.

You will need to consider web hosting for your video feed as well. This will likely come with a monthly fee. A good way to find a web hosting service to work with is to ask people who are already doing it! Reach out to organizations that have live bird cams and learn about their partners and set ups.