Social Media Platforms for Fundraising

Image Source: courtesy of the author

Scroll below to learn more about some of the most popular social media platforms used today!

The large variety of social media platforms allows organizations to potentially reach completely different audience on each platform. In fact, many find that the audience they encounter on one site is not the same as another, which leads to a need to understand several different intentions, motivations, and preferences within your audiences.

Other Useful Ways to Utilize Social Media Platforms

    • Video Blogs and Live Streams with staff and featured wildlife.

    • Sharing of animal names and personalities, especially babies or other fan favorite animals.

    • Impactful imagery that catches the eye

    • If possible, Pay-To-Play Strategies such as "Boosting"

    • Linking relevant articles and/or stories from outside news sources in a meaningful way.

    • Use of conservation experts, celebrity driven exposure, and influencers to attract other networks

This episode of the Non-Profit show highlights just how essential this rapidly developing technology is for all organizations in today's world.