Live Cameras: Connecting Arizona Native Species with the Public

Bryce Gittleson

What are live cameras?

A live camera is a camera that is set up for watching an environment in order to live stream feed of whatever the camera is facing to a computer, usually set up for the general public. They have been used, often, to connect people with nature.

Creating Connection

How many people do not know what animals or species are native to your area or state? Probably many. This often occurs because you may live in an urban area or don't know what you are looking for. I want to spread awareness of live cameras so the public can better understand what to look for when you do have an opportunity to explore nature. I want to give people from Arizona an opportunity to learn about native species through an experience that feels natural for both the person and animal.

Arizona Native Live Feed Animal Cams

This link will take you to current animal live cameras supported by Arizona Game and Fish. These are Arizona Native species you can see in their natural setting. Another great way to find more cameras is search for native Arizona species and then look for live cameras specifically for that species. The cameras do not have to be located in Arizona. As long as the species can be found in Arizona, there is a connection made between Arizona nature and yourself.

Wild Animal Cams

Other Live Cams

Here is another link which will take you to a website full of animal cams in Arizona. There are some for zoo animals, such as Giraffes and Elephants, while also having more natural cams, such as humming birds. This is a great like page that will make it easy for someone to find an animal they might be interested in and lead the way into looking at those native Arizona species.

Zoo and Wildlife Center Cams

The Importance

Live camera feed of animals is one way people can become connected to nature from the comfort of home. Covid lockdown created a time where connecting with nature became difficult. Kristen Weir (2020) wrote a paper on how nature impacts a person and the benefits of it. The article goes into all the details of how people are impacted by nature, but one main point is how it can increase happiness with even minimal contact with it. This article was created amidst the lockdown, when people were unable to gain the benefits of nature. Live camera feeds were something that brought nature back to us during this time. Even before the lockdown, live feeds were used to educate on Bald Eagle conservation and importance by having cameras on their nests for people to check in and feel involved in the process.

The Use

There are many uses for these feeds the general public could take advantage of. Earlier, it was mentioned how it creates a connection to nature from home. This was useful in times of pandemic, however, it could be useful for those who are disabled and are limited to places they can go. Many of us forget how privileged we are to leave the house whenever we get a yearning to. According to the CDC, "13.7% of people with a disability have a mobility disability." While this does not mean they can't access everything, it does create difficulties. There are also people with allergies or other similar medical conditions that make it hard for a person to enjoy the outdoors.

Conservation Use

Live cameras have been used in conservation for years now. The Bald Eagle cameras were mentioned earlier, but it was not explained HOW they help. Endangered species are hard to spot and observe due to their low numbers and, likely, skittish behavior towards unknown creatures. Live cameras remove allow observation without the disturbance of in-person field observation. On top of helping the researchers, it also helps engage the public in witnessing natural behaviors of these species who could be gone so quickly.

Education Use

While this type of information is advertised for Arizona adults, they could share this information with their kids and educate them using these cams and information. I collaborated with an educator from Liberty High School in Peoria, Arizona, who asked to remain anonymous to discuss the opportunities this information could provide for teachers to share with students. I chose to speak with her because I have a connection to them through my partner to Liberty and I heard about their biology program teaching about native species and their importance. "We do sections over flora and fauna in Arizona to help educate kids on what they might see when they play outside. Having live cameras available to show them some of these animals in real time could really boost interest," she said when asked about how live cameras could be a useful tool for teachers. Many kids are naturally interested in the outdoors are really want to see some of the animals they learn about walking around or interacting with nature. There is also a special education program at Liberty that could benefit from these cams as well. The educator explained how it is difficult to find ways to engage these with nature due to disabilities. "You can't just take a wheel chair to Sedona," she said. These cameras could help those children see nature and experience some of these species, even with disabilities.

Two endangered species in Arizona. Above, Black-footed Ferret. Below, Mexican Spotted Owl

This is a Saguaro Cactus. I am putting this picture because you will likely see these in the live feeds and not think twice, but they are a key stone species in Arizona and are currently place on the threatened species list under "least concern." It is good to also consider flora species when looking at live feeds because they are also important in help endangered species survive.

Interactive Map

This is a map created to show areas where some of these live camera animals reside and conservation areas where you can go to gain more information. The conservation areas are included because they are great places to donate to in order for more cameras to be set up, as well as helping these species.

Social Media Post

One great way to gain public attention to important conservation items, like live cameras, is to share information about them on social media. Hashtags are great ways to keep a topic going and gain more audience members because you can click on a hashtag and see all that has been posted using it. Below is what my post will say and the picture will be attached with my post.

The Post

"Arizona has many ecosystems across the state, making it able to hold a wide variety of flora and fauna, but it can make it hard to connect with the nature around you. This is a Mexican Grey Wolf, native to Arizona and currently threatened. This is one of many Arizona species with live camera feed available. Live cameras create feeds to phones, laptops, or computers that allow someone to see what the camera sees in real time. Arizona has some areas with cameras and there are cameras for species that are endangered in Arizona as well. This is a way to see them in nature and begin to create that connection to Arizona wildlife. For more information, head to my Ecospot: Live Cameras: Connecting Arizona Native Species with the Public or head to Arizona Game and Fish and check out their live cameras as well. #AZWildlifeLive"

Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, September 16). Disability impacts all of us infographic. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved April 17, 2022, from all.html#:~:text=Percentage%20of%20adults%20with%20functional,difficulty%20walking%20or%20climbing%20stairs.

Schlanger, Z. (2016, July 23). Scientists are studying whether live cams of animals make us feel the same as watching them IRL. Newsweek. Retrieved April 1, 2022, from 481461#:~:text=Live%2Dstream%20cameras%20trained%20on,to%20observe%20animals%2024%2F7.

Weir, K. (2020, April 1). Nurtured by nature. Monitor on Psychology. Retrieved April 1, 2022, from nature#:~:text=In%20a%20review%20of%20the%20research%2C%20Gregory%20Bratman%2C%20PhD%2C,meaning%20and%20purpose%20in% 20life%2C