General Information on Coyotes

Coyote Characteristics:

Coyotes are part of the Canis species, which includes wolves, and domestic dogs. They usually have gray or reddish fur (this can vary), with yellow eyes and distinct ears. Their average weight is between 20-40 pounds. They are found in all U.S. states except for Hawaii.

Coyote Lifespan:

In the wild, coyotes live on average 1-3 years. Studies show that in Chicagoland, coyotes have a 60% chance of surviving one year. Interestingly, the study also found that “survival rates of adult coyotes in the Chicago metropolitan area are similar to estimates for coyotes living in rural Illinois. However, the survival rates of juvenile coyotes in Cook County are approximately five times higher than the 13% survival rate reported for rural juvenile coyotes.” This may be the case because hunting of coyotes is allowed in rural Illinois, where this is not a risk for coyotes in large cities like Chicago.

Coyote Diets:

Contrary to popular belief, the chance of a coyote eating your small dog is rare. As they are incredibly adaptable, coyotes are opportunistic eaters who will adjust their diet to the setting they find themselves in. They generally prefer small rodents, but have been found to eat fruit, rabbits and deer (already dead) as well. This is even true in urban settings, where research has found very minimal evidence of trash or pets in coyote diets. However, it is recommended that you do not leave trash out uncovered as it will attract rodents, which are part of a coyote's diet, which will attract coyotes to your yard.

References: Coyote – Cosley Zoo and General Information About Coyotes | Urban Coyote Research