Improving Pro-Environmental Behavior

Image Source: courtesy of the author

For many conservationists, Social Media is a means to end, with the ultimate goal to build awareness and support for the most critical crises facing our planet today. There is immense debate and discussion about what works best to make conservation efforts most appealing, though evidence to state anything concrete is lacking. Rather, it’s very dependent on the context of the organization, its community, supporters, and perhaps a pinch of luck. What is clear is that social media is having an effect on pro-environmental behavior.

In an age of widespread digital content, the influence of traditional media may be decreasing. Technology like Social Media will continue to play a significant role in creating a relationship between environmental needs and potential supporters of those needs. Messaging is particularly important for scientists and experts, who despite being well versed in evidence, can struggle in getting their research across to general audiences. Technology like Social Media Platforms can help experts craft their complex messages into simple messages that are appealing to emotions and focus on positive outcomes and solutions, which are known to more effectively reach a wider audience than stark presentation of facts on social media.

What Works and Why?