Radio Tagging Technology

Radio Tagging Technology

  • RFiD is being used to track things like wasp behavior, wasp nesting behavior and drifts, mating biology, and reactions to things like pesticides! Since we don't know as much about these organisms, this is a wealth of unexplored knowledge.

  • RFiD is attractive because it is cheap to use, and is getting attention from entomologists! This makes it easier for them to study less charismatic species, like the wasp!

  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFiD) is a type of passive wireless technology that allows for tracking or matching an item or individual.

  • The system has two basic parts: tags and readers. The reader gives off radio waves and gets signals back from the RFID tag, while the tag uses radio waves to communicate its identity and other information.

  • This is the same technology that is used to track your cats and dogs!