Project Challenge

Students will learn to work constructively with others to accomplish goals in a group adventure setting. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves and support their classmates on the high elements ropes course.

The first few weeks of this course focus on creating a sense of community within the class by completing activities and challenges that incorporate teamwork, leadership, collaboration, communication, and controlled risk-taking. Students then learn the technical skills of the high elements course located in the MHS field-house. Students learn to tie 3 different climbing knots and how to properly set up and run a climbing rig. After students are fully prepared and have passed their technical skills tests the class will embark upon conquering each of the high elements.

Students are presented with a number of games, activities, and challenges throughout the course and they are allow to challenge themselves as far as they are comfortable. Teachers encourage students to step outside their comfort zone during this class to test their limits and learn more about themselves in a safe and controlled environment.

Students completing the "Dangling Duo". In this high element, students work with a partner to ascend the suspended ladder.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." 

- Viktor E. Frankl

Project Challenge Class Expectations