Mental Illness and Suicide

The Mental Illness and Suicide Unit is designed to give students the knowledge and skllls to understand the different types of Mental Disorders, and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of each.  It also prepares them to take action when they recognize signs of suicide in a friend, family member or even themselves.  The ability to get the appropriate help is key in dealing effectively with Mental Illness and Suicide in our society.  Through communication skills and advocacy, students will practice real-life dialogue and create pamphlets that educate others about the warning signs, statistics and help available to people wh

o are struggling.  

In a world that loses thousands of teens and young adults to suicide each year, it is imperative that we arm our students with the best possible knowledge and the most effective skills in dealing with these topics.  With the help of the Samaritans of the Merrimack Valley and a strong guidance staff, students learn to practice health enhancing behaviors and get appropriate help for themselves and others.  To learn more about mental illness and suicide, click on the links below!