Drugs and Addiction

In this unit, the students get an in-depth look at the most commonly used and abused drugs in the United States.  They will learn how the drugs enter the body, how they interact with body systems, what, if any, the medical benefits of the drugs are, and finally the devastating effects that the drugs have on the body.  Through an interactive iPad project, students will research each drug using the most up to date and accurate websites available.  Once they complete their research, the students will put their new knowledge to the test when they practice refusal skills, backing up their statements with facts about drugs.  

This unit tests the students decision making skills, as well as their communication skills and their ability to take a clear stand against behaviors that have a negative impact on their level of wellness.  In a world that glorifies drug use and challenges the minds of our youth, this unit is a great step in creating self aware students that see through the glamour of the media and understands the consequences of using drugs.

Click on the link below to test your basic drug knowledge!