Learning Paradigm in the New Reality of a holistic approach in inclusive education

Learning Paradigm in the New Reality

of a holistic approach in inclusive education

समावेशी शिक्षा में समग्र दृष्टिकोण के

नए यथार्थ में प्रतिमान सीखना

Dear Sir/Madam,

We know that Inclusive education means all children in the same classrooms, in the same schools. It means real learning opportunities for the groups of children with disabilities who have traditionally been excluded.


  • Understand the new reality

  • Scope and impact on the education system.

  • Determine gap to reach future target.

  • Build capabilities.

  • Human capital and skills for digital education delivery.

  • Infrastructure and technology for distance learning platforms.

  • Reinvent your model.

  • Engage with parents, teachers & students to design new reality.

  • Focus on equitable access to education for the vulnerable and disadvantaged.

The Manovikas Family is grateful for your support and appreciate your kind presence in Mashavara. We are delighted to have you as a Prime Guest for our Mashavara 33.0 Consultation for the Persons with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities on, Saturday, August 15, 2020, at 3 pm. in India. Read more at: www.mashavara.live .

The episode features Our Special Experts:

Seema Tuli
Amar Jyoti School

Archana Sinha
Distt. Co-ordinator
Dept. of Education , Etawah U P

Aksi Naqvi
Rainbow Department at KIS

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You may be the next Speaker in Mashavara Best Practice Series. Read the details and

apply on : www.mashavara.live


Please submit any of your questions to mashavara@manovikas.family

 Please mute your mic as you join the Mashavara Studio on ZOOM.

Mashavara series is for ALL so please circulate and join together.

 Thank you