Mashavara 25.0 Helping Students with Specific Learning Disabilities

Helping Students with Specific Learning Disabilities

Manovikas Family strives to provide ‘Inclusive Education’ – choice-based, realistic, real-world, active learning experiences that support employable skills and independence in the community while working to ensure equitable access to these learning opportunities.

Mashavara 25.0

Helping Students with Specific Learning Disabilities

Dear Sir/Madam,

Manovikas is delighted to have you as a Prime Guest for our Mashavara 25.0 Consultation for the Persons with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities .

The episode features Our Special Expert:

Dr. Geet Oberoi

Founder, Orkids Foundation

Dr. Pooja Jha Nair

Rehabilitation Psychologist

Thank you

Helping Students with Specific Learning Disabilities

Resource Materials shared by Dr Pooja Jha during Session

MAnovikas Mashwara .pdf


Join Mashavara 25.0

Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 3.00PM

ZOOM ID: 833 7016 4875 | Password: 1807


If you are unable to access the session, that would mean the session's capacity of 500 seats has already been met. You may please also access the live-stream of Mashavara series on the Manovikas Family Facebook