Good Practice of The Rehabilitation of Person with Hearing Impairment

Mashavara 54.15

Good Practice of The Rehabilitation of Person with Hearing Impairment
श्रवण दोष वाले व्यक्ति के पुनर्वास के लिए उत्तम अभ्यास

Dear Sir/Madam,

For socio-economic rehabilitation, the primary requirements are education and training. Spoken interaction, perhaps the fundamental locus of social interaction and organisation, depends on the ability of speakers-hearers to coordinate their actions temporally so as to produce talk that unfolds by turn with a minimum of gap and overlap.

There is help for patients with all types of hearing loss. Treatment depends on why the deafness exists and how severe it is. Sensorineural hearing loss is incurable. When the hair cells in the cochlea are damaged, they cannot be repaired. However, various treatments and strategies can help improve the patient's quality of life.

The impact of a hearing impairment on everyday life will depend not only on the type of hearing impairment but also on the community the person lives in. For example, in a big city where people are expected to keep to themselves, a deaf person may feel more isolated and more fearful than in a small community.

In this episode of Mashavara, we are highlighting some of the aspects of everyday life that may be affected when they have a hearing impairment. And especially marriage prospects for those with a hearing impairment may be reduced. The possibility of this being inherited by children deters potential suitors and in some communities deafness is a stigma.

Manovikas Family is grateful for your support and appreciates your kind presence in Mashavara. We are delighted to have you as a Prime Guest for our Mashavara 54.15 Consultation for the Persons with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities on, Wednesday, October 28, 2020, at 3 pm. in India. Read more at:

The episode features Our Special Experts:

Mr Nirnay Kr. Keshree
Assistant Professor,
Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore (MP)

Ms. Bhawna
Special Educator, HI
Matrimonial Counsellor for adult HI
Bhavnagar (Gujarat).

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