Spring 2023

Welcome to the Fall 2023 Virtual ArtWorks Exhibition!

About the ArtWorks Lessons…

The themes for the Spring 2023 ArtWorks Program were built around the importance of Memories.

Memory is our ability to process and retain ongoing information or a physical representation of time. It is an important frame and network that determines not only how we make sense of information but the actions that we take. We not only develop the ability to act on instinct but through learned experiences we also apply our information and knowledge to creating formulas and problem-solving solutions. This allows us to perform current and future actions, thus creating new memories and life building skills to becoming successful independent individuals. Memory development is a complex cognitive ability that is essential to thinking, learning, developing language and literacy, planning, following directions, reflecting, imagining, problem solving and to forming a positive sense of self.


Art can help children be happier, healthier, more socialized and connected adults. Creating art in group environments helps children stay connected to the world around them. Art helps create new memories, reduce stress, create fresh perspectives, and manage complex emotions.

By the end of ArtWorks, the children were able to explore and create these themes via drawing, painting, collage, sculptures with pipe cleaners, wire and beading, scrapbooking, found objects, and recycled materials. They were introduced to unfamiliar art and artists, used group critiques to reflect on their artwork, and learned professional studio etiquette.