Paper Heroes

Putting the "Super" in "Superheroes"

Drawing Practice: "Who is your favorite Superhero?"

We started the class by doing a quick, prompted drawing. 

The students were able to draw their favorite heroes and then talk about why.

After discussing their drawings, we went through a presentation on the ideas behind heroes, during history and in popular culture.  

We introduced our main idea of the importance of community heroes and prompted the students to recognize their own personal heroes in their community and life.

Heroes can bring a community together and help those within it. It’s

important to recognize these heroes and honor them for who they are and how

much they do for others.

Students listed doctors, nurses, firefighters, police, teachers, dentists, friends, and relatives as their own heroes. 

 With their ideas, they were able to create life-sized paper dolls of their heroes by taking turns tracing each other, which can be seen below...