Student Work

Day 1: Snow Prints

We ventured outside to spray thinned acrylic paint in the snow before pressing watercolor paper into each student's designs, creating beautiful marbled creations! Some students were able to color over their prints using markers and crayons.

Day 2: 2D Line Drawings to 3D

We started creating an abstract line drawing using markers on paper. We then were able to use materials like pipe cleaners or wires to transfer our mark makings into a 3-dimensional space by sticking them into styrofoam blocks.

              Day 3:  Tissue paper collage                  & self portraits

Students arranged small pieces of colored tissue paper, glueing them to watercolor paper.  While the glue dried they created miniature self portraits using markers before cutting them out and gluing them on top of their tissue paper designs. 

Day 4: Non-conventional Material exploration

We spent this class period using non-conventional materials to create works. We played with rolling objects such as balls dipped in paint on paper. We also worked on making marks using found objects on our papers.