05. Grammar - Interactive exercises - Likes and dislikes

        • Likes, Dislikes and Invitations

        • Learn
        • Do you like ...?
        • To talk about liking or disliking something, you can use verb + -ing with:-
        • To invite someone to do something, you can use verb + -ing with:-
        • Love - Like - Don't Mind - Don't Like- Hate
        • After some verbs (love, like, don't/doesn't mind,don't/doesn't like, hate) you can use a noun, a pronoun or a verb +ing.

                  • Noun (coffee)
                  • Pronoun (him)
                  • Verb (flying)
I like
I like
                  • Like
                  • Don't mind
                  • I don't mind coffee.
                  • I don't mind him.
                  • I don't mind flying.
                  • Don't Like
I don't like
I don't like
                  • Love
                  • I love coffee.
                  • I love him.
                  • I love flying.
I like
I don't like
                  • Hate
                  • I hate coffee.
                  • I hate him.
                  • I hate flying.
                  • I like coffee.
                  • I like him.
                  • I like flying.
                  • I don't like coffee.
                  • I don't like him.
                  • I don't like flying.
        • How about doing something? vs Would you like to do something?
        • To invite someone to do something you can also use:-
        • ! Note. 'How about ...' is informal. 'Would you like to ...' is formal.
        • Now let's see how Mr Bean does it...
        • Mr Bean is at home when his wife comes in...

A toi de parler de tes goûts en matière de nourriture sur une feuille de brouillon.

Sers-toi de tout ce que tu as appris dans les activités ; utilise aussi les mots de liaison "and" et "but".

What they like and don't like - activity created by Renée Maufroid

    • USES OF 'LIKE' (Laurence Bernard - absolutenglish-972)
    • " You will be doing a series of exercises on the different uses of "Like"."
    • I Like Doing / to Do It - Flash quiz on infinitives, gerunds - interactive (collegeem.qc.ca)

INTERACTIVE exercises :

    • Countable - Uncountable : interactive activities
    • Contents : Likes and Dislikes
    • Type of activity: Individual, Matching, Filling gaps, Right, Wrong
    • (itereva.pf)

    • My Favorites
    • "Look at this little film, you will know about my favorites.
    • Now off to the activity! then you can write about your favorites."
    • Activity created by: Renée Maufroid