5. Final Task

UNIT 3 – Take action ! - FINAL TASK

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Tâche de communication

Prononcer un discours pour présenter et défendre une association lors d’une manifestation caritative appelée “Make a Difference Day”.

Activité langagière

Expression orale en continu

Compétences linguistiques

Le present perfect – Le moyen (by + V-ing)

Be going to + V – Le but (in order to, so as to, to)

Compétences pragmatique et sociolinguistique

Présenter de facon claire et structurée une association caritative

Formes de discours travaillées : description, explication (liste de points)

Présenter un projet : annoncer nature et but du projet

Structurer la présentation

S’exprimer clairement, de facon audible

Expliquer les raisons du choix effectué, argumenter, défendre un point de vue

Temps : 2’30 minimum

- 2 points

"Make a difference Day"!

Participate in "Make a difference Day" and present a cause you want to defend as celebrities have done.

Present the situation to your classmates (say what the problems are and what has already been done by a specific charity) and explain what you are going to do to make a difference.

Step 1: Make a choice: choose a CAUSE

Read Unit 3 again and choose the cause you want to defend: poverty, hunger, gender inequality, child mortality, child labour.... Browse the web for further information.

You may also visit the following website to have a wider choice: here.

Step 2: Choose a CHARITY related to the cause, one that has not been seen in class...

Step 3: Deliver your speech.

Greet the audience and introduce yourself briefly.

Mention the cause you have chosen and say why you have chosen this cause.

Present the charity you are going to get involved in by listing the things that have been done so far by this

charity and how (indicate the means used in relation to the cause chosen).

(see website: Take action / Charity ids)

Ex: UNICEF has already provided... since / for ...by + V-ing

Speak about your plans: Say what you are going to do and set your goals.

Ex: I am going to … in order to / so as to / to... + BV

Conclude your speech.