01. My life when I'm 25

Use the information in document 3 to recap.

owning a house 31%

earning a lot 23%

be in a couple 18%

be happy 13%

have children 10%

own a car 5%

Use these adverbs:

probably, certainly, surely...

Start like this:

The survey reveals that when they are 25 years-old, ...

L'expression du futur dans les subordonnées de temps:

En anglais, quand il y a will

dans la proposition principale, la proposition subordonnée introduite par when ou as long as est au présent.

Write 20 lines (3 paragraphs) + bring a photo

1) What do you like and dislike about your school (subjects, teachers...)?

2) Who are your best friends?

3) List some facts you imagine about yourself in the future (10 sentences minimum)


When I am 25, I think/I suppose I will probably/certainly/surely…

When I am 25, I think/suppose I won’t …

As soon as I can, I will…

When I grow up, I will probably/certainly/surely…