05. TASK 1


Time ≥ 3 min

Task : Choose a person among the following list and explain why he / she has had a great impact on you.

Pour ces deux premiers personnages célèbres, vous devrez consulter, pour information et inspiration éventuelle, le site www.biography.com, très complet.

Martin Luther King (http://www.biography.com/people/martin-luther-king-jr-9365086)

Malcolm X (http://www.biography.com/people/malcolm-x-9396195#synopsis)

Click here for a short chronology. Click here for a much longer chronology.

Click here to know a bit more about Malcolm X's achievements.

Click here to read some of Malcolm X's quotes.

lick here and take a look at some photos of Malcolm X.

Click here to watch some videos.

Click here for some extra information (biography, documents, quotations, speeches, islam…).

Angela Davis (http://www.biography.com/people/angela-davis-9267589#synopsis)

Conseil :

    • utiliser les structures permettant d’argumenter (manuel, p. 155 E. Argumenter) et d’exprimer son opinion (manuel, p. 160)
    • se servir des expressions de la suggestion de production orale en continu (voir plus bas) et du vocabulaire vu en classe (manuel, Keywords p. 30)
    • Double check your pronunciation here.
    • Record yourselves with vocaroo (here) and listen to yourselves.

Niveau B1 : l’élève prend la parole devant la classe sans lire de notes, en enchaînant des phrases simples et en utilisant des gap-fillers.

Niveau B1+ : l’élève s’exprime avec assez de précision et d’aisance, malgré quelques problèmes de formulation qui entraînent de courtes pauses.

Suggestion de production orale en continu (Rosa Parks)

As far as I am concerned, the person I have always regarded as my guiding star and who has had a great impact on me is Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks was an African-American woman born in Alabama, a Southern State where segregation and racial discrimination were commonplace in the 1950s and 1960s. She worked as a seamstress and her life was not a bed of roses. I first heard about Rosa Parks when I was a student in high school. I later read about her in the press and on the Internet and I watched TV reports about her life and achievements. I learned that she had been a civil-rights activist long before 1955, the year she was arrested. She had served as secretary of the local branch of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). I learned how courageous, strong-willed and determined she had been all her life. She had a strong personality and charisma. I have always been impressed by what she did in 1955, when she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery city bus. She may not have realized that she would change America forever. It was such a courageous act of defiance! She was found guilty of disorderly conduct, arrested and sent to jail. That act of rebellion led directly to the Montgomery bus boycott which lasted almost two years.

So, in a way, Rosa Parks triggered off the Civil Rights movement in the United States. She then devoted her life to fighting for justice and racial equality in her country and in the world. Her determination and courage changed the way America treated black citizens, and yet, she was always modest about her achievements. Thanks to her, American society changed. Although she died in October 2005, her legacy makes her unforgettable. I would have liked to have met her. She is one of my role models and in a way I feel close to her. She was an outstanding, kind and generous person and I look up to her.

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Expressions de la suggestion de production orale en continu

As far as I am concerned, the person I have always regarded as my guiding star and who has had a great impact on me is ...

I first heard about ...when I was a ...

I later read about her / him in the press and on the Internet and I watched TV reports about her / his life and achievements.

I learned that ...

I learned how courageous, strong-willed and determined she / he had been all her / his life. He / She had a strong personality and charisma.

I have always been impressed by what she / he did in … when she / he ...

She / he may not have realized that she / he would change her / his country forever.

It was such a courageous act of defiance!

So, in a way, ... triggered off (=déclencha)

She / He then devoted her / his life to fighting for justice and ... equality

Her / His determination and courage ...

Thanks to her / him, ...

Although she / he died in ..., her / his legacy makes her / him unforgettable.

I would have liked to have met her / him.

She / He is one of my role models and in a way I feel close to her / him.

She / He was an outstanding, kind and generous person and I look up to her / him.

Vocabulaire vu en classe (manuel, Keywords p. 30)

Structures permettant d’argumenter (manuel, p. 155 E. Argumenter)

Structures utiles pour s'exprimer à l'oral (manuel, p. 160)