01. Webquest - Charles DICKENS


A. Charles Dickens’ life.

Go to this website, complete the text and look up for the difficult words in a dictionary here.

Charles Dickens was born in (1) 18……………. . He didn't go to school at the age of ten because of his (2) …………………………………………………………….. In (3) 18…………… his father – John Dickens – was arrested and imprisoned for (4) ………….. . At that time Charles Dickens worked at a (5) ……………………………………………………….. – a factory which manufactures (6) …………………………………….. . That period was important in his life because he later described that period of his life as a (7) “………………………………………………………………….”. (8) …………. years later – in (9) 18……………. - he went to live with his wife for 6 months in (10) ……………………... He had (11) ……. children. He didn’t always stay in England: in 1844 he went to (12) …………………….. . He died in (13) 18………. at the age of (14) …………... He was buried in the (15) ……………………………………………………………………… .

to bury: …………………………………………………………………………

B. Charles Dickens’ works.

1. Find the corresponding titles in English of French : here. (go to 4. Oeuvres)

2. Oliver Twist.

Go to this website, complete the text and look up for the difficult words in a dictionary here.

An infant is born of a dying mother in a parish workhouse. Bumble, the beadle, names the boy (1) ……………………… . Oliver is sent to an infant (2) ………………….., run by Mrs Mann, until he is (3) ………. years old, at which time he is returned to the (4) …………………….…………. .

The (5) …………………………. at the workhouse are starving. At supper one evening, after the normal allotment, Oliver advances to the master and (6) ………………………………………….. .

Oliver is branded a troublemaker and is offered as an (7) ……………………………….. to the undertaker, Sowerberry.

After being unjustly beaten for this offence, Oliver escapes the undertaker's and (8) ……………………….. to London.

a workhouse: ……………………………….

a beadle: ……………………………….

to starve: ……………………………….

an allotment: ……………………………….

to brand: ……………………………….

a troublemaker: ……………………………….

an undertaker: ……………………………….

On the outskirts on the city Oliver, tired and hungry, (9) ………………….. Jack Dawkins who offers a place to stay in London. Thus Oliver is thrown together with the band of thieves run by the sinister (10) ………………………. . They pick the (11) ……………………..of gentlemen. When the gentleman, Mr. Brownlow, discovers the robbery in progress Oliver is mistaken for the culprit and, after a chase, is (12) …………………………… and taken to the (13) …………………………….. Oliver, injured in the chase, is cleared by a witness to the crime and is taken by the kindly Brownlow to his home to (14) ………………………………… .

Oliver is kindly treated at the Brownlow home and, after a period of recuperation, is sent on an errand by Mr Brownlow. On carrying out this charge Oliver is (15) …………………………….. by Nancy and Bill Sikes and returned to Fagin'xs den of thieves.

Mr Brownlow, thinking that Oliver has (16) …………………………. with his money concludes that Oliver was a (17) ……………………. all along.

the outskirts: ……………………………….

to be hungry: ……………………………….

a thief: ……………………………….

to pick: ……………………………….

a robbery: ……………………………….

to be mistaken for somebody: ……………………………….

a culprit (nom): ……………………………….

to clear: ……………………………….

a witness: ……………………………….

an errand: ……………………………….

Oliver is forced by Fagin to accompany Sikes in an attempted (18) ………………………………., needing a small boy to (19) ………………………………. a window and open the door for the (20) ………………………………. . The robbery is foiled when the house is alarmed and, in the ensuing confusion, Oliver is shot.

Oliver is nursed back to health at the home of the Maylies, the house Sikes was attempting to burglarize. Oliver imparts his story to the Maylies and Doctor Losberne.

The mysterious Monks, revealed to be Oliver's (21) ………………………………., teams up with Fagin in an attempt to (22) ………………………………. Oliver and lead him into a life of crime thereby negating the unknowing Oliver's claim to his rightful inheritance which would then go to Monks.

Sike's woman, Nancy, having compassion for Oliver, overhears Fagin and Monk's plan and tells Rose Maylie in the hope of thwarting the plan. Rose recruits Mr. Brownlow, Dr. Losberne, and others.

Sikes brutally (23) ………………………………. Nancy and flees to the country.

Monks is taken by Mr. Brownlow. Fagin is captured and sentenced to be hung.

to foil: ……………………………….

to shoot: ……………………………….

to burglarize: ……………………………….

to impart (a story): ……………………………….

an inheritance : ……………………………….

to thwart: ……………………………….

to hang: ……………………………….

Oliver is revealed to be the illegitimate (24) ………………………………. of Edwin Leeford and Agnes Fleming. Leeford has fathered the evil Edward (Monks) through a failed former (25) ……………………………….. After seducing Agnes, Edwin dies, leaving a will which states that the unborn child will inherit his estate if "in his minority he should never have stained his name with any public act of dishonor, meanness, cowardice, or wrong" in the event of which all would go to Edward (Monks), hence Monk's attempt to corrupt Oliver via Fagin.

Monks is given half of Oliver's (26) ………………………………. by Mr. Brownlow, who had been a friend of Edwin Leeford, in the hope that he will (27) ………………………………. a new life. Monks flees to America where he quickly squanders his portion and (28) ………………………………. in prison. Rose Maylie is revealed to be the sister of Agnes Fleming who is adopted by the Maylies after her parents die, therefore Rose is Oliver's (29) ………………………………. .

Oliver collects his inheritance and is adopted by Mr. Brownlow. Rose marries longtime beau, Harry Maylie.

to father: ……………………………….

a will: ……………………………….

to stain: ……………………………….

cowardice : ……………………………….

to squander: ……………………………….

What did Dickens want to show with that novel?

“ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .”

3. David Copperfield.

Go to this website, read from “David is born” to “on the mercy of his aunt, Betsy Trotwood.” and say why David Copperfield was sometimes miserable. Give 6 reasons.

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4. Find four of his themes.

Go to this website, read the beginning (from “Charles Dickens: the name conjures up” to “the greatest writer of his age.” find four of his themes.

Four of his themes:

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