04. The Man Who Knew too much (1956)

The Man Who Knew Too Much by Hitchcock

The Concert Scene (book p. 42) (1h29 → 1h42)

A. Make sure you understand and can pronounce the following words.

Part 1

B. Fill in the blanks in the following passage. (one blank = one word)

The story takes place in ……………., on Monday, June 6th, at the ……………… …....……………....... .....................…… where Bernard Herrmann is .............…………. the “Storm Clouds” with the ………….........… …….…………........ Orchestra.

C. Re-order these events in chronological order. Write 1 to 7 in front of each sentence.

……….………. a. Jo McKenna addresses a uniformed attendant.

……….………. b. The man in black slowly climbs the stairs.

……….………. c. A taxi pulls up in front of the Royal Albert Hall.

……….………. d. A man in a black tuxedo stares in Jo McKenna’s direction.

……….………. e. Jo McKenna walks to the box office.

……….………. f. Jo McKenna steps out of the taxi.

……….………. g. The man in black speaks to Jo McKenna and smiles.

D. Hitchcock shows the man’s surprise by: (several answers)

E. Jo is very anxious after the man in black spoke to her because he said:

F. What does Jo ask the man in black? (Quote.)


G. Why is Jo so desperate? Is it because her son:

H. Imagine why the man in black is attending (assister à) the concert.

Part 2

I. Use the following words to fill in the blanks. Make the necessary changes.

stop – shooting – killer – Ben – flag-draped /dreipt/ (décoré d’un drapeau) – dash away (partir à toute allure) – show – rush – argue.

When …………………....... sees Jo near the entrance to the concert hall, he …………………...... to her. She immediately explains to him what is going to happen. She …………………. him the box where the …………………. is hiding and then the …………..........………. box where the Prime Minister is sitting. Ben understands at once that the …………..........………. is imminent. Jo and Ben start ................................... about what to do and although Jo tries to …………………. him, Ben ........................... .

J. Imagine the dialogue between the constable and Ben in the corridor.Write the name of the speakers (C for the constable, B for Ben) before each sentence and re-order the dialogue in chronological order, from 1 to 6.

……….………. a. “Wait a minute. I’ll have to talk to my superior”.

……….………. b. “I do insist. It’s a question of life and death!”

……….………. c. “I’m afraid there is nothing we can do.”

……….………. d. “I’m sorry, Sir, you can’t go along there.”

……….………. e. “I must see the man in charge of security.”

……….………. f. “The Inspector can’t see you now.”

K. True or false? Circle the correct answer and justify orally.

L. Most of the time, Hitchcock uses high-angle shots to film Jo to show that she is:

M. Which shooting angles does Hitchcock use at the end of the sequence?

Explain why by using the words and expressions below.

low-angle shot / high-angle shot

1. to film Ben: ........... -.............. .............. 2. to film the killer: ........... -.............. .................

success of the hero – failure (échec) of the killer – crime does not pay – struggle between good and evil /’i:vl/ (le bien et le mal)