Famous writers / people


The scene takes place... / In the foreground / In the background

at the end of the street / in the street / a very busy (=bondé) street / in the middle of the street

In the 19th century / At that time , In those days (=à cette époque là)

a large city / a British flag / (shop) signs are in English / a cathedral / Saint-Paul’s Cathedral / on the pavement (=sur le trottoir)

VERBS: have cars / use horses to travel / use horse-drawn carriages / no cars / means of transportation: moyens de transport

VERBS (related to clothes): wear 19th century clothes / wear no shoes (=have no shoes on = go barefoot = be bare-footed) / wear different clothes / be dressed in a different way = be dressed differently / be dressed alike (=être habillé pareil)

à pied: on foot / Most people (=la plupart des gens)

VERBS: chat / wait in front of shops / walk / play music / mingle: se mélanger (gens)

long dresses / top hats / headscarf: foulard / suits (=costumes)

Life was very different from the life we know

Moreover (=De plus)/ instead of + V-ing: au lieu de …

ADJECTIVES: rich, poor people / dirty (=sale) / (vêtements) d'époque: period (clothes) / squeezed (=serré)