09. VOCABULARY - Success and failure

Success and Failure

First, go to this website: http://www.better-english.com/vocabulary/success.htm

Second, complete the following sentences with these words.

high – start – strength (x 2) – own – big – colours – way – hands – field – break – swim – face – death – coffin – duck – mile – post – edge – boil

Third, give explanations in English between brackets using the following website: http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com.

Finally, translate the expressions using the following website: http://www.wordreference.com/enfr/success.

1. I see that Clinton is still riding ………………………. in all the opinion polls in spite of all the scandals.

ride ……………………….. (…………………………………………………………………………………………………..) : ….....................

2. The new business has got off to a flying ______ and has exceeded all forecasts.

a flying ……………….. (…………………………………………………………………………………………………..) : ….......................

3. Our company continues to go from strength to ………………………. .

go from strength to ………………... (………………………..……………………………………………………..) : …......................

4. John speaks fluent Japanese so he really came into his …………… when we made a trade visit to Tokyo.

come into one’s ………………. (……………………..………………………………………………....…………..) : ….....................

5. He used to work in a supermarket with me before he made it ………………………. in the music business.

make it ……………….. (…………………………………………………………………………………………………..) : ….....................

6. That was a very difficult task you had to do and you came through it with flying ………………………. .

with flying ……………….. (……………………………………………………………………………………………..) : ….......................

7. We were on the brink of bankruptcy and we had to gradually claw our ………………………. back.

claw your ……………….. back from something (…………………………………………………………..) : ….......................

8. We've had a lot of success in that market. There was a lot of competition at first but we won ………………………. down.

…………... down (………………………………………………………………………………………..........……..) : ….......................

9. There's a lot of competition in the Indian market but we are leading the ….... . ('way' is possible here but I'm looking for another answer)

if you lead the …………. in an activity or business, you ………………………………..……………………………………...........

10. Now is the moment to see if it is a success or a failure. It's make or ………………………. time.

make or ………………... (…………………………………………………………………………………………………..) : ….....................

11. Either it will be a success or it will not. We have to let the project sink or ………………………. .

sink or ………………... (…………………………………………………………………………………………………..) : ….......................

12. It was a complete failure and the company fell flat on its ………………………. .

fall flat on your/its ………..…... (…………………………………………………………….......……………..) : ….....................

13. Nobody bought it so the product died a natural ………………………. .

die a natural ………………... (…………………………………………………………………………...……………..) : ….....................

14. When he failed yet again, that was the final nail in his ………………………. and he was sacked.

(another) nail in (someone or something’s) ………………... (……………………..…………………..) : ….....................

15. If this doesn't work I'm a dead ………………………. .

dead ………………... (………………………………………………………………………………………….....………..) : ….....................

16. It only narrowly failed to work but a miss is as good as a ………………………. .

a miss is as good as a ………………... (……………………………………………......………….....………..) : ….....................

17. We almost got the contract but we were pipped at the ………………………. by our Korean competitors.

be pipped at the ………………... (…………………………………………………………………………..………..) : ….....................

18. He's not as good as he used to be. He seems to have lost his ………………………. . ('way' is possible here but I'm looking for another answer)

lose one’s ………………... (………………………………………………………………………………..……………..) : ….....................

19. They used to be a great company but they became self-satisfied and went off the ………………………. .

go off the ………………... (……………………………………………………………………………………..………..) : ….....................

20. My English is improving all the time. It is going from ………………………. to strength.

go from strength to ………………... (………………………………………………………………………………..) : ….....................

(see sentence 3)
