01. Mind map


The notions tackled here:

- SPACES and EXCHANGES (Prohibition: smuggling of alcohol, emigration during the Depression, Wall Street's Stock Market)

- SEATS and FORMS of POWER (the rise of the Mafia, 18th and 21st Amendments, the Suffragette Movement, the Temperance Movement to prohibit alcohol, Hollywood growing importance, Wall Street rising and falling)

- MYTHS and HEROES (famous criminals, growth of cinema and its first "stars" + actors and actresses who much later played famous characters from the 20s and 30s, important writers and books The Great Gatsby, etc…)

- The IDEA of PROGRESS (invention and massive production of cars, Fordism, chain production, new weapons such as machine guns, Prohibition called "the Noble Experiment", telephone and radio more and more available, silent and soon talking films, first planes...)