02. Women's long march (Focus on discussing)

Men vs. Women

1- Try to find the missing punctuation

Woman without her man is nothing

Who is dependent on whom?


punctuation marks

Punctuation is the system of symbols (. , ! - : etc) that we use to separate sentences and parts of sentences, and to make their meaning clear. Each symbol is called a "punctuation mark".

Summary of Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Mark


I like English.

I speak English, French and Thai.

I don't often go swimming; I prefer to play tennis.

You have two choices: finish the work today or lose the contract.

This is a rather out-of-date book.

In each town—London, Paris and Rome—we stayed in youth hostels.

Where is Shangri-La?

"Help!" she cried. "I'm drowning!"

Please press your browser's Refresh/Reload button.


"I love you," she said.

'I love you,' she said.

This is John's car.

Have you read War and Peace?


I went to Bangkok (my favourite city) and stayed there for two weeks.

The newspaper reported that the hostages [most of them French] had been released.

One happy customer wrote: "This is the best program...that I have ever seen."

full stop or period
question mark
exclamation mark
slash or forward slash
double quotation marks
single quotation marks
round brackets
square brackets

2- Sort (from less to more) and copy the words and expressions below in your exercise book:

Frequency (sort these words and expressions from less frequent to most frequent):

Quantifiers (sort these underlined words and expressions from less to more):

every body - most men - many women - few girls - a lot of wives - a great number of guys - nobody

3- Before watching

What do men and women usually do in the following cases or circumstances? Talk to your partner, then share with the class.


4- watch the animation, complete the grid and write a final comment for each box.

5- Homework:

Write 4 sentences about the picture below using vocabulary from this lesson (quantifiers, adverbs of frequency, personal opinion, contrast).

Underline these words in your sentences.


These expressions could be useful

personal opinion: to me, in my opinion, to my mind, I believe that..., as far as women are concerned,

contrast: whereas, while, unlike, contrary to , as opposed to, on the one hand...on the other hand...,


"The two-minute short, specially commissioned for International Women's Day, sees 007 star Daniel Craig undergo a dramatic makeover as he puts himself, quite literally, in a woman's shoes."


Watch the video, then answers the questions on a draft.

Ex 1 to ex 3: Circle the correct answer

1- The document is

□ a cartoon □ a documentary film □ a commercial □ an awareness- campaign video

2- The video was released in

□ 2007 □ 2011

3- The main idea conveyed in this video is that

women are equal to men □ women are not equal to men

4- Vocabulary: Match the following words with their definition or equivalent

5- Match the facts and figures

Watch the video, then note the information around the numbers and dates mentioned below.

6- Do the underlined pronouns refer to a man or a woman? Tick the correct answer.

7- Tick the correct answers: The aim of the video is to...

□ sensitize the entire population to the problem of discrimination based on gender

□ sensitize women to the importance of their emancipation

□ sensitize both men and women to the problem of violence against women

□ denounce equality between men and women

□ denounce inequality between men and women

8- Use as much information from the previous exercises to write a brief presentation of the document.

Be ready to report your study to the class.

Women's long march

Consigne :

Utiliser les pages méthodologiques sur l’expression orale en continu et sur l’interaction orale (p. 153-160)

A. Women's quiet revolution

See Méthodologie / Interview (book p.158)

1. Look at documents 1, 2 and 3. What information does each of them provide?


‣ academically / professionally

‣ to show / to report

‣ an artificial barrier / promotion / a firm / a landmark (=date ou événement majeur, important) / prejudice (=préjugés)

‣ whereas (=tandis que)

‣ to remain below / to stagnate / to progress / to earn (money) (=gagner) / to be kept back / to see through the transparent glass ceiling / to break through the transparent glass ceiling / to rise above / to reach the top places / / to excel (=exceller: to be very good at) /

‣ three-fifths (=60⁒) / four-fifths (=80⁒)

‣ between 1960 and 1990 / over the past twenty years

2. Document 2 illustrates what is known as a "glass ceiling". Can you imagine what it might be and where its effects are particularly felt?

Extra question :

Who are its effects particularly felt by and where?

3. Use the information given in the different documents (article, pictures, graph...) and act out the interview.

STUDENT A: You deplore the fact that, for women, there is still a long way to go. You want to know more about the issue. Imagine the questions you willl ask the journalist who wrote the article.

STUDENT B: You are the journalist and, as your headline suggests, you are convinced that women can now say "We did it!"; Get ready to answer the questions.

Read the Culture key / The glass ceiling (book p.145).

Consignes :

- revoir la méthodologie de l'interview p.158 et en utiliser quelques expressions

- se servir des informations de la culture key intitulée The glass ceiling p.145

- utiliser les mots de la Toolbox (p.118)

B. Single-sex classes

se reporter aux conseils méthodologiques des pages 158-159 (« D. Discussion contradictoire »), «E. Argumenter » (p.155) et aux consignes (voir plus bas).

Note : co-ed(ucational) schools = mixed-sex schools

Avant de commencer le débat, faire une description (et une première interprétation) de la photo avec les deux jeunes filles.

Debate the following statement:

"Girls work better - and get better results - when they are in single-sex classes."

1. Choose your group.

GROUP A: You agree with the statement.

GROUP B: You disagree and are definitely in favour of co-od (co-educational) schools.

2. Before debating: in groups, prepare several arguments to back up your views, and get ready to counter the other group's arguments.

3. Debate time: each group member presents an argument.

Remember the debating rules: speak in turn, don't interrupt the others, remain polite...

C. Quotas - a good idea?

se reporter aux conseils méthodologiques des pages 158-159 (« D. Discussion contradictoire »), «E. Argumenter » (p.155) et aux consignes (voir plus bas).

Discuss a controversial proposal.

1. Look at the documents.

What do the documents indicate?


- there are too few women members of parliament

- substantial differences between countries

- women make up 1 in 3 … of the total number

- they only represent one-fifth or one-sixth of the total

- the number of women MPs is ridiculously low

- women are poorly represented in parliament

a. What do The Telegraph headline and the statistics in the chart indicate?

b. Are you surprised by these statistics?

2. Discuss the following point of view: "To compensate for past injustices, quotas should be set up in all professions."

STUDENT A: You defend the idea of quotas.

STUDENT B: You oppose the idea.

Click here for the entire article.